Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy

Infrared Sauna Therapy


Far-infrared saunas are completely safe and produce the same far infrared heat produced by the sun. The far-infrared heat is required for all living things for optimum health. The radiant heat from our far-infrared saunas surrounds you and penetrates deeply into your joints, muscles and tissues, speeding oxygen flow and increasing circulation. Using our saunas helps to remove impurities from your cells, specifically the cells inside our fat where our body stores waste and harmful toxins such as cholesterol and heavy metals. When used properly, our far-infrared saunas will help provide a lifetime of healthful living.

Completely harmless, we feel far-infrared heat from such sources as the sun (without the harmful ultraviolet waves that the sun gives off) and fires. Just as visible light has a range of wavelengths (running from red to violet), so does infrared light: longer wavelength infrared waves are thermal, while short or near infrared waves are not hot at all, in fact, you cannot even feel them. It is the far-infrared energy that is most beneficial, penetrating the skin and increasing circulation to help rid the body of harmful toxins.


Our Infrared Saunas offer a unique, transformative experience that can help you achieve a higher level of overall health and well-being.


Sunlight is a combination of visible light and invisible light. The seven colors of the rainbow are visible lights, and infrared rays and ultraviolet rays are invisible lights. Infrared rays are one of the sun’s rays. Infrared rays are the healthiest, penetrate into your skin deeply and they dissolve harmful substances accumulated in your body. The Infrared Rays vitalize your cells and metabolism.

Far-infrared waves penetrate deep into our body for a deep heating action which allows for the body to activate the sweat glands. The sweat glands offer one of only a few mechanisms that the body has to eliminate toxins and since the skin is the largest organ in the human body it is apparently a very good means for elimination.

When far-infrared waves are applied to water molecules (comprising 70% of our body) these molecules begin to vibrate. This vibration reduces the ion bonds and the eventual breakdown of the water molecules causes encapsulated gases and other toxic materials to be released.


Our infrared saunas use far-infrared energy to penetrate the body’s tissue. Tests have shown that the energy output is tuned so closely to the body’s own radiant energy that our bodies absorb as much as 93% of the far infrared waves that reach our skin.

By comparison, conventional saunas must rely only on indirect means of heat: first, on convection (air currents) and then, conduction (direct contact of hot air with the skin) to produce its heating effect. Our far-infrared saunas are best used at temperatures between 100 to 125F versus 180 to 220F for traditional hot-air saunas. Since conventional saunas require 30 to 90 minutes of warm-up before use, electricity costs are reported to be a lot higher than those our infrared saunas which are ready to use in 10-15 minutes.


Yes! Infrared heat is all around us. The human body gives off and receives infrared heat and in the far-infrared band. Other surfaces, like a warm street or heated vending cart give off infrared in the middle and near infrared band.

Do you want to experience far-infrared heat right now? Take you hands and put your palms together. Move your hands about 1/2 an inch apart. You will feel warmth emanating from your palms. This is far infrared heat very similar to the infrared heat emitted from our far-infrared saunas. Radiant far infrared is all around us and is essential for human life.

Our Locations

Dublin, Ohio

Pickerington, Ohio

Brook Park, Ohio

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